The minimum age requirement is 14 years to enter and the Award has to be completed before the 25th Birthday.

For gaining an Award the following four compulsory components are to be completed under the guidance of a Unit Leader.

Service to others is essential to the growth of a sense of community responsibility, It can be rendered in the form of a direct participation like, volunteering at a hospital, Community Centre or helping ederly or disable person for something they need etc. Or undertake a specialized training like, First Aid Course, Fire Fighting, Civil Defence Course etc.

The direct form of service activity should be carried out once in a week atleast for two hours.

The Skills developed by pursuing and persisting with an interest leads to a sense of creativity and personal discovery.

The activity for skills should be taken once in a week atleast for two hours.

Physical exercises promotes good health and meeting the challenge of physical exertion creates a lasting sense of achievement and satisfaction. The possibilities are endless.

The activity for complete this action should be carried out once in a week atleast for two hours.

The expedition section presents an exciting Challenge to Award Participants to under take a venture with a specific purpose in an unfamiliar environment.

Organising, planning, training and completing the final venture requires team work, self-reliance, determination and co-operation, as well as encouraging individual qualities. Young people are encouraged to develop an awareness of their environment and the importance of protecting it. During expedition an Entrant also learns about camping, safety precautions, food & cooking, casualty code, map reading, use of compass and observation recording etc. The following is the chart showing minimum time scale of activities in four compulsory sections required for each level of Awards.

Female Entrants may have their night stay at their homes during expeditions.

Minimum Timescale for the Awards

  Physical Recreation Skills Service Plus Adventurous Journey
Bronze 03 Months 03 Months 03 Months All participants must do an extra 03 months in either Physical Recreation or Skills or Service 02 Days + 01 Night
Silver 06 Months 06 Months 06 Months Non-Bronze holders must do an extra 06 months in either Physical Recreation or Skills or Service 03 Days + 02 Nights
Gold 12 Months 12 Months 12 Months Non-Silver holders must do an extra 06 months in either Physical Recreation or Skills or Service 04 Days + 02 Nights

Plus additional requirement of 5-day/4 nights Residential Project only for Gold Award participants.